Preparation strategy, working methods and tips to crack jee mains 2019 - Logicaltalk, blogging, seo, earn money, business


Friday, October 12, 2018

Preparation strategy, working methods and tips to crack jee mains 2019

Preparation strategy, working methods and tips to crack jee mains 2019

Hey, aspirants ! Everyone knows this year there is a very large change announced in jee mains exam as now you are getting two chance to sit in same year. As now the time is less and that's too passing very fast, so all you need is to study smart as well s hard. Here i will tell you some of the best sure shot preaparation strategy, and some methods and tricks which will surely helps you to maximize your score in mains as well as in advanced.

 You all are working hard according to your caliber to get succeed in the exam. Many of you are re-appearing in the exam and many are going to have for the very first time. Those who had given exam in the previous year have some experience of the paper, and they should must be working on the areas in which they had not did well.

So, if we see at some point of view the exam is going to be tough for those who are going to face for the first time and easy for repeaters. But there's nothing like that if you are seriously preparing for the exam. So now let's discuss some of the very important Preparation strategy, working methods and tips to crack jee mains 2019 which you should follow during this peak time of your preparation.

1. Consistency


You have to be consistent in any exam in order to crack it. If you break your preparation pace then it will harm you so adversely. In exam like jee hindsight plays dey important role as it's a technical exam. You may forgot whatever you studies as finally you have a huge amount by of formulae and concepts which you need to remember, so be consistent.

2. Discipline

Discipline is going to play very important role in your preaparation. You should be very disciplined during this final time, i.e. you should make a time table and follow it at any cost.

3. Your study material


This is the time at which you should don't leave anything left. Read each and everything off your syllabus. Keeping in mind that there should be some of the topic which you should master, and rest of the syllabus you read also.

This is not a good decision to left any topic of the syllabus . Read them, not deeply but read everything, it will surely helps you i guarantee.

 see: Best books for jee mains and advanced.

Here i am sharing my own story, I was very weak in chemistry, actually not weak but i really not want to study organic part. I love physics and math so much.

So it was my 12 board chemistry viva ,and my teacher asked me"which metal is used in galvanization process"?

And i really don't know it, so he told me the answer as ZINC and said always remember it. I said OK,

Do you believe when i sit in jee mains 2016 ,there was a same question in chemistry that which metal is used in galvanization, i just thank him.

So read everything, is your can't read deeply then read a little much but read this will really help you to crack jee mains 2019.
Thank you.

 Preparation strategy, working methods and tips to crack jee mains 2019
  Preparation strategy to crack jee mains 2019
  tips to crack jee mains 2019

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